10 days and counting!!!

Posted By Beth Jenkins on May 22, 2014

Back in September, basking in our “just engaged” bliss, we weren’t too concerned about setting our wedding date just yet.  I had one request… “As long as we can get married before I turn 40, I don’t care when we get married.”

The past 8 months have flown by!!!  In that time I started two new jobs (in addition to continuing to work the 4 other part-time jobs I have), we moved, and we’ve both had a lot of fun planning every aspect of our big day.  The venue was chosen, and based on its availability the date was set.  June 1st easily met my request and it has the added sentimental value of being 15 months to the day after our first date.  We are both a little hopelessly romantic and have been celebrating “anniversaries” on the first of each month.  June 1st will be extra special! 😉

Its hard to believe it is just 10 days away!  We are so excited and we can’t wait to celebrate with all of you who are going to be there!!!