6 weeks later…

Posted By Beth Jenkins on Jul 22, 2014

IMG_0078The stress and craziness of the wedding is over, the honeymoon was AMAZING (but not long enough!!), and we have been back to “reality” for a little over a month now.  Not much has changed now that we are married.  We still go to work, and participate in our favorite activities (yoga and hockey.)  We are still cooking for each other and for friends and family.  We still go out to see our favorite musicians and are always listening to music either at home or in the car.  We still look forward to traveling (both near and far) and continue to plan our next adventures.  What has changed is our love for each other….

I love Dave more and more everyday and he shows me how much more he loves me too.  This week more than ever I am seeing how blessed I am to have him by my side.  With a health scare and facing the possibility of surgery tomorrow,  Dave has been my rock.  He is strong, yet, incredibly patient, and nurturing.  I know we will get past this bump in the road, and I am looking forward to brighter days ahead with my husband by my side!