Posts by beth

The final alterations have been made on my dress thanks to my incredible mom, Judy.  Not only did she alter my dress so that it fits perfectly, she has also put hours into hand beading my veil, made pillows for the ring bearers to carry, designed new sashes for the flower girls’ dresses, and redesigned/updated the dress my grandma wants to wear (which she originally wore in 1991 at my sister’s wedding!)  She has also spent hours shopping with me and (for me) and helped me put together party favors, etc…  I am truly in awe of her talent!!  I told Dave if we are lucky enough to have a daughter, I could only wish to be as awesome  to her as my mom is to me, and to us!  Hopefully we are lucky enough to have two daughters, because I’d love for them to have amazing sisters, just like I do!  Dawn has been my wedding planner/decorator/cheerleader/go-to-girl for anything and everything I need.  “I’ll tie ribbons around the napkins and utensils for you,”  “I can decorate the flower girls’ baskets,” “Just leave it with me, I’ll do it for you!”  I am so honored and blessed to have the best sister and maid-of-honor anyone could ever wish for!   645px-Love_Heart_SVG.svg 645px-Love_Heart_SVG.svg 645px-Love_Heart_SVG.svg 645px-Love_Heart_SVG.svg 645px-Love_Heart_SVG.svg

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Date night surprise

Posted By on May 25, 2014

dbA week or so ago, Dave tells me he wants to take me on a “date night” to one of our favorite restaurants.  He adds it to our shared calendar and admittedly I was a little nervous wondering why he was putting something like a dinner date on the calendar so far in advance… Is he going to try and recreate the proposal and surprise me with a flash mob? Last night was our date night.  I didn’t really think he would he would go to such an extreme as a flash mob, but I did suspicion he had something up his sleeve.  When we arrive at the restaurant I am totally shocked and touched to see a table filled with about 20 of my awesome friends who all gathered for one last pre-wedding happy hour celebration.  I feel so fortunate to have such amazing friends and it was a really fun night full of LOVE! 8 days away now… sooooo EXCITED!!

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10 days and counting!!!

Posted By on May 22, 2014

Back in September, basking in our “just engaged” bliss, we weren’t too concerned about setting our wedding date just yet.  I had one request… “As long as we can get married before I turn 40, I don’t care when we get married.”

The past 8 months have flown by!!!  In that time I started two new jobs (in addition to continuing to work the 4 other part-time jobs I have), we moved, and we’ve both had a lot of fun planning every aspect of our big day.  The venue was chosen, and based on its availability the date was set.  June 1st easily met my request and it has the added sentimental value of being 15 months to the day after our first date.  We are both a little hopelessly romantic and have been celebrating “anniversaries” on the first of each month.  June 1st will be extra special! 😉

Its hard to believe it is just 10 days away!  We are so excited and we can’t wait to celebrate with all of you who are going to be there!!!

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