
Happy Video

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6 weeks later…

Posted by on 6:20 am in Countdown to I DO, Newlywed Blog, News | Comments Off on 6 weeks later…

IMG_0078The stress and craziness of the wedding is over, the honeymoon was AMAZING (but not long enough!!), and we have been back to “reality” for a little over a month now.  Not much has changed now that we are married.  We still go to work, and participate in our favorite activities (yoga and hockey.)  We are still cooking for each other and for friends and family.  We still go out to see our favorite musicians and are always listening to music either at home or in the car.  We still look forward to traveling (both near and far) and continue to plan our next adventures.  What has changed is our love for each other….

I love Dave more and more everyday and he shows me how much more he loves me too.  This week more than ever I am seeing how blessed I am to have him by my side.  With a health scare and facing the possibility of surgery tomorrow,  Dave has been my rock.  He is strong, yet, incredibly patient, and nurturing.  I know we will get past this bump in the road, and I am looking forward to brighter days ahead with my husband by my side!

Today is the day!!

Posted by on 7:00 am in Countdown to I DO, Newlywed Blog, News | Comments Off on Today is the day!!

I’m getting married today!!! It’s 7am and I’ve been up for hours. Too excited to sleep, I practiced yoga and did a little meditation. This whole process (getting married) has been tremendous! It has been exhausting and at times overwhelming, but so much fun!! I have learned so much about myself, about Dave, about us as a couple, and about the qualities of others. They say weddings bring out the best and the worst in people and Dave and I have definitely seen both! Last night he dropped me off at the Hills house (thank you Warren, Tamara, and Olivia for welcoming me!) as a single lady and tonight we will spend our first night together as a married couple! I’m so excited for the day ahead. I’m getting my hair and make-up done with some of my favorite ladies and it is sure to be a magical wonderful day!! 9 hours to go!!

Doll shower and…. I’m getting married tomorrow!!!!!!

Posted by on 5:27 pm in Countdown to I DO | Comments Off on Doll shower and…. I’m getting married tomorrow!!!!!!

I can’t believe this day is finally here!  The out-of-town relatives have arrived, and the ever important “doll shower” took place last night.  A tradition in my family is for the bride-to-be to be invited to a shower that is hosted by dolls and teddy bears.  Other stuffed animals may get involved as well.  Last night a stuffed panda bear and a stuffed rhinoceros were also in attendance and gave great gifts!!  The idea is for the most-love dolls, bears, and animals to “share” things from the homes where they live to give to the new bride.  The tradition has evolved through the years so rather than getting only used household items, I received a new panini press, new cookbooks, and other new items, as well as beautiful vintage napkins, placemats and glassware that I love for their beauty as well as their sentimental value.  It was a lot of fun and truly touching to see how much love I was surrounded by!  And Dave experienced how crazy my family can be, especially when they start talking in “doll talk.”

I finally managed to pack for our honeymoon last night around 2am.  Final details have been coordinated with the caterer, baker, florist, DJ, photographer,  and videographer; now its time for manicure/pedicure and a meeting with our officiant to talk through the ceremony.  I have a million things running through my head and am not sure how I am possibly going to remember everything, but it really doesn’t matter because….

I love this man I am about to marry and can’t wait to call him my husband!!!

4 days away!!!

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We are getting soo close now!  As the out of town friends and relatives are starting to arrive today, Dave and I were up late again last night putting together gift bags and working on some extra special surprises for the big day.  Dave even sacrificed playing hockey last night to help me- now that is true love!! 🙂

We did make some time to have a birthday toast with our good friend Tamara Hill, who actually gave me a gift on her birthday by offering me her home as my “primping and prepping palace” the day of the wedding.  Thank you Tamara, and Olivia and Warren Hill!

I have been so touched and impressed by the sincere and generous gestures that have been made for us over the past few weeks, and especially the past few days leading up to our wedding.  We are really lucky to have such amazing friends and family and WE CAN’T WAIT  to celebrate with you on Sunday!!!

1 week away! Final alterations for the final countdown!!

Posted by on 5:23 am in Countdown to I DO, News | Comments Off on 1 week away! Final alterations for the final countdown!!

The final alterations have been made on my dress thanks to my incredible mom, Judy.  Not only did she alter my dress so that it fits perfectly, she has also put hours into hand beading my veil, made pillows for the ring bearers to carry, designed new sashes for the flower girls’ dresses, and redesigned/updated the dress my grandma wants to wear (which she originally wore in 1991 at my sister’s wedding!)  She has also spent hours shopping with me and (for me) and helped me put together party favors, etc…  I am truly in awe of her talent!!  I told Dave if we are lucky enough to have a daughter, I could only wish to be as awesome  to her as my mom is to me, and to us!  Hopefully we are lucky enough to have two daughters, because I’d love for them to have amazing sisters, just like I do!  Dawn has been my wedding planner/decorator/cheerleader/go-to-girl for anything and everything I need.  “I’ll tie ribbons around the napkins and utensils for you,”  “I can decorate the flower girls’ baskets,” “Just leave it with me, I’ll do it for you!”  I am so honored and blessed to have the best sister and maid-of-honor anyone could ever wish for!   645px-Love_Heart_SVG.svg 645px-Love_Heart_SVG.svg 645px-Love_Heart_SVG.svg 645px-Love_Heart_SVG.svg 645px-Love_Heart_SVG.svg

Date night surprise

Posted by on 1:03 am in Countdown to I DO, News | Comments Off on Date night surprise

dbA week or so ago, Dave tells me he wants to take me on a “date night” to one of our favorite restaurants.  He adds it to our shared calendar and admittedly I was a little nervous wondering why he was putting something like a dinner date on the calendar so far in advance… Is he going to try and recreate the proposal and surprise me with a flash mob? Last night was our date night.  I didn’t really think he would he would go to such an extreme as a flash mob, but I did suspicion he had something up his sleeve.  When we arrive at the restaurant I am totally shocked and touched to see a table filled with about 20 of my awesome friends who all gathered for one last pre-wedding happy hour celebration.  I feel so fortunate to have such amazing friends and it was a really fun night full of LOVE! 8 days away now… sooooo EXCITED!!

10 days and counting!!!

Posted by on 11:37 pm in Countdown to I DO | Comments Off on 10 days and counting!!!

Back in September, basking in our “just engaged” bliss, we weren’t too concerned about setting our wedding date just yet.  I had one request… “As long as we can get married before I turn 40, I don’t care when we get married.”

The past 8 months have flown by!!!  In that time I started two new jobs (in addition to continuing to work the 4 other part-time jobs I have), we moved, and we’ve both had a lot of fun planning every aspect of our big day.  The venue was chosen, and based on its availability the date was set.  June 1st easily met my request and it has the added sentimental value of being 15 months to the day after our first date.  We are both a little hopelessly romantic and have been celebrating “anniversaries” on the first of each month.  June 1st will be extra special! 😉

Its hard to believe it is just 10 days away!  We are so excited and we can’t wait to celebrate with all of you who are going to be there!!!

Wedding Band

Posted by on 5:48 am in Countdown to I DO | Comments Off on Wedding Band

DSC_1052Yes, we have a wedding band!  Well, sort of.  We have a DJ for the night, but our band will perform a couple tunes.   Who’s in the band you ask?  Perhaps the name of the band will give it away…

Dave & The Groomsmen  

Drums: Dave Hooper (the groom)

Guitar: Michael Ripoll (the best man)

Bass: Jamie Forsyth (groomsman)

Background Vocals & Percussion: Rusty Jenkins (groomsman)

We had rehearsal today and ran the tunes we are planning to play at the wedding.  We had a great time working on the tunes and then spent some serious time at the BBQ grill.

We will also have a couple special guest singers and then maybe invite some of my musician friends to come up and jam?

Honeymoon Planned

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IMG_5015We are going to the big island in Hawaii for our honeymoon.  We rented a house on the Kona coast and it is amazing!  We have our own pool, and BBQ… an amazing lanai and it’s super quiet.  No neighbors!